Heathered Pearls

Heathered Pearls

HPw1ポーランド出身で、デトロイト郊外で育ち、現在はブルックリンを拠点に活動しているJakub Alexanderによるプロジェクト。彼はShigetoやNitemovesも輩出した優良デジタル・レーベル Moodgadgetの運営者のひとりであり、Ghostly InternationalのA&Rとしても活動している他、TYCHOことScott Hansenのブログ、ISO50のキュレイターであり、かつてはTYCHOのマネージャーもつとめていた、現代エレクトロニック・ミュージック・シーン のキーマンである。

Heathered Pearls is Polish-born Brooklynite Jakub Alexander, whose career in music was deeply rooted before ever releasing his own. Curator for Tychos ISO50 blog, co-founder of the Moodgadget label, and A&R at Ghostly International, Alexander has been entrenched in the industry since 2002. He was first introduced to the power of ambient music by his mother at an early age, discovered techno as a teenager living in the Detroit area, and gradually learned to create his own vision of the genres.

In 2012, Heathered Pearls wrote and released his first album. Loyal mimicked the hypnotic and swelling

motions of ocean waves at night with melodic, loop-based ambient music, and was well received across the board. But Alexander would only move on from there, inescapably drawn to dancefloor ideas and memories of the engrossing techno mixes he pored over as a kid. The second Heathered Pearls album, Body Complex, was conceived in that mindsettransforming Loyal’s gritty, soporific textures into immaculate 4/4 figurines, glacial tone drifts, and starry synth plateaus. It’s the beginning of a new phase in Alexander’s ever-evolving project, the possibilities of which expand seamlessly into the realms of music, art, and performance.

Heathered Pearls “Body Complex” [ARTPL-067]

Artist: Heathered Pearls
Title: Body Complex
Cat#: ARTPL-067
Format: CD / Digital


Release Date: August 12, 2015
2,000yen + tax

TYCHOの側近、Jakub Alexanderによるソロ・プロジェクト、Heathered Pearlsのニュー・アルバム。The Sight Below、Shigeto、Outerbridgeらが参加!TYCHOファンも必聴のアンビエント・テクノの傑作!

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