Emeraldsのメンバーとして2000年代中期から活動を開始し、それと並行してソロ活動も行う。Emeraldsの活動中にKrankyから2作「Tragedy & Geometry」(2011)「Sequitur」(2012)のアルバムをリリースし、解散後はソロ活動に専念し、Krankyから『Where All Is Fled』(2015)、『Strands』(2016)2作をリリースし、2018年にはGhostlyへと移籍し、「Dissolvi」をリリースした。デジタル・プロセッシング、コンピューター、シンセを駆使したポスト・コズミック・スタイルのアンビエント・テクノ〜アルペジオ調のエレクトロニカはジャンルの垣根を越えて注目されている。
Chicago-based electronic musician Steve Hauschildt has composed minimal sounds at extraordinary levels for over a decade. First within his former band, Emeralds, an American touchstone of 2000s home-recorded psychedelic noise music, and later across a steady and critically-acclaimed stream of solo releases. As a live performer, he explores the intersection of experimental music and video art, having toured heavily across North America, Europe, and Asia. As a recording artist, Hauschildt utilizes synthesizers, computers, and digital processing to continuously transmute and evolve modes of electronic music.
In 2011, he released his debut full-length with Kranky Records, Tragedy & Geometry, a post-kosmische album inspired by Greek muses and the disposability of technology. His next LP in 2012, Sequitur, was recorded in Vancouver and featured nearly 20 different synthesizers spanning the last five decades. In 2013, Editions Mego released S/H, an extensive anthology of rare and unreleased works from Hauschildt’s archives (2005-2012). Additionally, he co-curated a compilation for the Air Texture series in 2014.
In 2015, Hauschildt completed the cascading full-length Where All Is Fled. Both its artwork and its music found inspiration from surrealist landscape paintings, early alchemical emblems, and recurring visions. The following year’s Strands, his fourth release with Kranky, presented what Hauschildt called “a song cycle that is about cosmogony and creation/destruction myths.” He approached compositions like malleable fibers of a unified whole, like strands of rope. Reflecting on his hometown of Cleveland, Hauschildt focused the gritty, decaying compositions upon “the dichotomy of oil and water and the resulting, unnatural symptoms of human industry.”
With Dissolvi, his first release on Ghostly International and his most collaborative work to date — featuring Julianna Barwick, GABI, and a broader set of instrumentation overall — Hauschildt extends a vast, vibrating framework in which to consider the state of being. Songs are cerebral in orientation, but beyond explanation — references to solipsistic desires, modern-day surveillance, and physiological phenomena abound — the music is truly visceral and profoundly rich.