Artist: Ex Confusion
Title: Last
Cat#: ARTPL-082
Format: 廃盤
Territory: Worldwide
Release Date(JP): 2016.11.23
Price(CD:JP): 2,000 yen + tax
− Bibio (Warp Records)
2015年にはBibioとのコラボも果たすなど、国内外で注目を集める邦人アーティスト、オオモリアツヒトによるソロ・プロジェクト、Ex Confusionの待望の新作『Last』が完成。
マスタリングを手掛けたのは彼の前作をリリースしたOrchid Tapesのオーナー、Foxes in Fiction。ジャケットはHeliosの奥方であるHollie Kenniffが撮影した写真である。
In collaborating with Bibio in 2015, Ex Confusion, a solo project by japanese artist Atsuhito Omori, has drawn attraction not only from Japan but also from abroad. In addition, Omori completed a new record “Last” recently.
He has been using mainly guitar, piano, and old tape recorder for the production, but in this record the impression for its worldview has been a lot more scaled up. From the beginning, it breaks out with atmospheric expansion of anacatesthesia and shimmer. Acoustic guitar arpeggio that reminds of Bibio’s earlier works, creates beautiful and dreamy sound image that drifts into the reverby space with melancholic retro lo-fi ambient, and flowing drone sound folds smoothly. Dimly raised up melodies and the lyrical sound space will melt into listner’s inside, and will attract them spreadingly. Though it is sometimes warm and sublime, the mystic and emotional mood underly. Various scenery breaks out and cross fades with the sound, like a revolving lantern.
This is not a music for the mass, but a music for individuals. This is an addictive masterpiece that will make you devote yourself to the extraordinary that is adjacent to the ordinary.
Mastering is done by Foxes in Fiction, the owner of Orchid Tapes, where his previous record was released.
Album cover photo is taken by (Helios) Keith Kenniff’s wife Hollie Kenniff.
僕はEx Confusionを初めて聴いたのは2013年だった。アツヒトが2枚のCDを送ってくれたんだ。「Embrace」はすぐに僕がよく聴くCDになった。真っ暗の中ベッドに横になりながら何にも邪魔されない時にね。また、Ex Confusionは雨や霧の中で一人で歩くときに合う音楽だって事にも気づいたんだ。実際彼の音楽は、美しく神秘的な景色の中で自分が一人だった時のことを思い出させるんだ。アツヒトは複雑で微細な感情を捉える才能があると思う。僕はそれには結構中毒性があると思う。説明するのは難しいんだけれども、一種のメランコリーに心を奪われて、忘れられないようになると思うんだ。これらの感情は彼の作品にずっとあったもので、彼の深く滑らかなドローンには独特で特別な彼の個性を感じている。神秘的で隠れているものの、常に存在していて、まるで遠くに映る、他に類を見ないシルエットのようだ。そして僕はEx Confusionの音楽はとても「視覚的」だとも思うんだ。想像の中で僕は毎回同じ見知らぬ景色に自分がいることに気づくんだ。
I first heard Ex Confusion in 2013 when Atsuhito kindly sent me two CDs. ‘Embrace’ quite quickly became a CD that I often used to listen to in total darkness, lying on my bed with no distractions. I have also found Ex Confusion to be ideal music for lone walks in the rain or fog, in fact a lot of his music reminds me of those moments where you are alone, in a beautiful and mysterious landscape. Atsuhito has this gift of capturing certain complex and subtle emotions that I find quite addictive; a certain type of melancholy that I find alluring and haunting yet impossible to describe. These emotions are consistent through his work and over the years I’ve come to hear a definite and distinctive personality in his murky and gentle drones, mysterious and hidden but always there, like a unique silhouette standing in the distance. I often find the music of Ex Confusion very ‘visual’, where I find myself visiting the same unknown landscapes in my imagination. In 2014 Atsuhito sent me an early version of the track ‘Last’, which I fell in love with, so much so that when I played a DJ set at Taico festival in Japan, I played it as the opening track. It seemed quite fitting whilst looking out at the mountains of Nagano watching the sun going down.
– Bibio (Warp Records)
01. Opening
02. Lilac In July
03. Last
04. Kevin
05. This Moment
06. Place To Be
07. Voices
08. I See You Breath
09. Ask
10. Lost And Found
11. A Beautiful Farewell
12. Lost Love Song