10646804_705533976168737_2879528262256708988_nPLANCHAからファースト・アルバム『Lay Your Sea Coat Aside』をリリースした、かつてToo Pureから作品をリリースしていた、シューゲイザー~ドリーム・ポップ系バンド、Seelyのピアニスト/ギタリストとして活躍し、スコット・ヘレンの レーベル、Eastern Developmentsから傑作ソロ作品『Circles』を2004年にリリースし、HeftyオーナーJohn Hughesに、”my favorite female instrumentalist”と言わしめた女性アーティスト、Lori Scaccoと、現在Savath & Savalasのメンバーとして活動している女性アーティスト、Eva Puyuelo Munsとのプロジェクト、Stormsが長い沈黙を破り新曲「Colores (Para Lole Pt. 2)」を発表!

Bandcampでもリリースされましたが、Warpからアルバムをリリースし、Oneohtrix Point Neverと共に来日を果たした、Pattenのリミックスを収録した7インチもリリース!


For a long time we had talked with Barcelona video director Martín Allais about working together – he wanted to create something for our debut album, specifically for our song “Para Lole” with the lyrics “todo es de colores” (everything is colorful). The record came out and much time had passed, so we decided to write something new centered around those words – a collaboration with Martín and designer Martin Lorenz inspired by the Eames’ film “The Powers of Ten” in which both video and song were created simultaneously and responded to each other along the way. We thought about rock candy. We thought about Charles & Ray. We thought about turning picnic blankets into galaxies. And that song became “Colores (Para Lole Pt. 2)”!
We hope you love it.

SM-002We’re so happy to announce the 7-inch of our new single, “Colores (Para Lole Pt. 2)”, with a b-side remix by patten of our song “Para Lole”, reissued exclusively on vinyl. This project was a labor of love for all involved and we’re grateful to everyone who had a hand in it. And there’s more to come!

Available now at Other Music in New York. Other stores in the US/Europe/Japan to be announced soon.

Catalog No: SM-002

Side A: Storms – “Colores (Para Lole Pt. 2)”
Side B: Storms – “Para Lole (patten Remix)”

“Colores (Para Lole Pt. 2)” was written and performed in New York & Barcelona by Lori Scacco & Eva Puyuelo.
Mastered by Heba Kadry at Timeless Mastering, NY

“Para Lole” was remixed in London by patten. The original version of the song appears on Storms’ debut album “Lay Your Sea Coat Aside” (Plancha / Art Union).
Mastered by Matt Shane at Masterdisk, NY

Vinyl mastering by Lawrie Immersion at Curved Pressings, UK

Music video by Martín & Martin
Sleeve design by TwoPoints.Net



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