Artist: Dustin Wong
Title: Mediation of Ecstatic Energy
Cat#: ARTPL-039
Format: CD / Digital
Release Date: 2013.08.14
1,886yen + tax

FUJI ROCK ’13出演!エフェクターの魔術師、DUSTIN WONGの通算5作目となるソロ新作が完成!
『Infinite Love』、『Dreams Say, View, Create, Shadow Leads』に続くギター・ループ3部作がここに完結!
14曲目「Tall Call Cold Sun」に嶺川貴子がヴォーカルで参加!

2012年『Dreams Say, View, Create, Shadow Leads』リリース以降活動はさらに活発化し、同年4月にはレコード発売記念の日本ツアーや、NHKライブビートへの出演も果たした。7月にはブルックリンで行われた盟友Dirty Projectorsの最新作『Swing Lo Magellan』のリリース記念ライヴのオープニングに抜擢され、その後10月に行われた日本ツアーでも全公演オープニングを務めた。9月から10月前半にかけてこちらも盟友であるBeach HouseとのUSツアーを行った後、朝霧JAM 2012にも出演。そして2013年1月のBeach Houseのジャパン・ツアーのオープニングもつとめた。今年は嶺川貴子とのコラボ作『Toropical Circle』をリリースし、フジロックへの出演も決定している。



オープニングを飾る「The Big She」のヒリヒリとしたスリリングなギターと幻惑的なヴォイス、地を這うようなグルーヴから新機軸を感じさせる。計14曲の中で様々な音色やフレーズを交錯させ、目まぐるしく展開。教会を意識したというノイジーでドライヴィンな疾走チューン「Liberal Christian Youth Ministry」、後半にヴォーカルを溶け込ませた「Speeding Feathers Staring」、日本の風情を感じさせる「Japan」など、様々な曲調が詰め込まれたヴァラエティに富んだ内容。そして本編ラストの「Tall Call Cold Sun」には共作もリリースした嶺川貴子のヴォーカルがフィーチャーされている。揺らぐサウンドの中で嶺川の囁くようなヴォーカルが浮遊し、緩やかに高みへと誘っていくラストの緩やかなエモーションにぐいぐいと引き込まれる。

また、日本盤のボーナス・トラックには7分を超える「Jamaican Sunset」が収録。夕暮れを思わせる浮遊感をまとったリリカルなフレーズを基軸に細やかなレイヤーが積み上げられて行き、終盤にはノイジーでドラマティックなギターが介入する秀逸なトラック。


From the opening notes of Mediation of Ecstatic Energy, it is clear that Dustin Wong has bested even himself in expanding the capacity of what can be done with a few pedals and a guitar. The album is the conclusion of a trilogy that began with 2010’s Infinite Love and continued with last year’s Dreams Say, View, Create, Shadow Leads, each record created by Dustin in solitude with ten fingers, two feet, and his endless imagination. Mediation shows Dustin complicating his already complex arrangements for guitar, voice, and loops, expanding not only his timbral palate, but also exploring new rhythmic intricacies. This is his first record since moving back to Japan (where he spent his childhood), and follows Toropical Circle, a collaborative release with Japanese singer Takako Minekawa, which was released on vinyl on Thrill Jockey in July.

Dustin is constantly exploring new conceptual frameworks and methods of music making. “The Big She” opens Mediation of Ecstatic Energy with the most aggressive atmosphere Dustin has cultivated on a solo release. Explosive and unpredictable, the song features a constantly morphing loop-pulse that allows Dustin to clang and wail from above. Throughout the album, he uses syncopation, abnormal time signatures, and polyrhythm to create an overwhelming feeling of weightlessness, most notably on songs like “Out of the Crown Head” and “Imaginelectric.” There is also an increased bass presence, which is generated using his guitar and an octave pedal. These are the sounds of Dustin advancing his technique, pushing it as far as he can, from complex abstraction to blissful bursts of melody.

Much of the album’s energy and all of the song titles are derived from a short story Dustin wrote, which is included in the album’s artwork. The story incorporates themes of youth, technology, and spirituality. It was partially inspired by Dustin’s experience growing up in a Christian school in Tokyo, which he attended from 3rd to 12th grade. It was here that Dustin was exposed to singing in rounds – a direct precursor to his dynamic loops. The theme of spirituality is directly reflected in the album’s artwork, which is a photo of Dustin’s aura taken in Japan.

Dustin will be touring the US extensively, including a run of dates with The Dodos, in the fall. He will be joined by Takako Minekawa on select dates, and possibly other collaborators as well.


01. The Big She
02. Emerald Atmosphere
03. Imaginelectric
04. Aura Peeled Off
05. Out of the Crown Head
06. Liberal Christian Youth Ministry
07. Cityscape Floated
08. Speeding Feathers Staring
09. (A) shows (B) his analysis and (C) looked over
10. Physical Consciousness Went in
11. Japan
12. Helix Sky
13. Vision Waterfall
14. Tall Call Cold Sun (feat. Takako Minekawa)
15. Jamaican Sunset (Bonus Track)

“Liberal Christian Youth Ministry”


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