Artist: STORMS
Title:Lay Your Sea Coat Aside
Cat#: ARTPL-011
Format: CD / Digital

JP Release Date(CD) : 2010.10.20
UK Release Date(CD) : 2010.10.25
US Release Date(CD) : 2010.10.26
Territory: Worldwide
Price(CD): 2,095yen + tax

かつてToo Pure から作品をリリースしていた、ドリーム・ポップ系バンド、Seelyのメンバーとして活躍し、スコット・ヘレンのレーベル、Eastern Developments から傑作ソロ作品『Circles』を2004 年に発表した女性アーティスト、Lori Scacco が約6 年ぶりとなる新作のリリースです!

かつて Too Pure から作品をリリースしていた、Stereolab 系のドリーム・ポップ・バンド、Seelyのギタリストとして活躍し、スコット・ヘレンのレーベル、Eastern Developments から傑作ソロ作品『Circles』を2004 年にリリースした女性アーティスト、Lori Scacco が遂に始動。約6 年ぶりとなる新作のリリースです。
本作は現在Savath & Savalas のメンバーとして活動している女性アーティスト、Eva Puyuelo Muns とのニュー・プロジェクト、Storms としての作品。元々lori が新作の制作を行っていた際、Savath のレコーディングで偶然ニューヨークを訪れていたEva にヴォーカルでの参加を呼びかけたところ、スタジオで自然とこのプロジェクトへと発展していったようです。
Lori のソロ作品は今日で言うところのポスト・クラシカルに共振するようなアコースティックでクラシカルな趣きの室内楽的でたおやかな作品でした。本作はLinda Perhacs にインスパイアされたようで、アコースティック・ギターの滑らかな音色を主体に、ミニマルな打楽器や程よいエレクトロニクス等を交えたミニマムなサウンドに、内省的で麗しいヴォーカルが漂う美しくドリーミーでリリカルなフォーキー・サウンド。要所でソロ作でみせていたような実験的且つ音響的なアレンジも練りこまれており、タイムレスな傑作に仕上がっています。
マスタリングはStones Throw やLight In The Attic 等の様々な傑作を手がけてきたLA のDave Cooley が担当し、音の奥行きに一層の彩りを与えています。

Lori Scacco and Eva Puyuelo first met through mutual friend and collaborator Guillermo Scott Herren when Lori was asked to tour as part of the Savath & Savalas live band. Years later as Lori was writing new solo material and Eva was in New York recording with Savath & Savalas, she invited Eva to join her on one song for her new record which, at the time, was intended to be mostly instrumental. They soon discovered that they had a deep-rooted creative connection and a shared love of 70’s psych-folk one-offs, so they made a plan to bring Eva back to the states in the coming months to begin work on a full-length. Lay Your Sea Coat Aside is the result of 5 weeks spent sequestered in New York City, immersed in a wholly collaborative exchange. Inspired by Linda Perhacs, Extradition, Nico, and Elis Regina’s most stripped down collaborations with Milton Nascimento, they poured over a number of guitar pieces Lori had amassed throughout the initial writing stages and developed an explorative practice that would define every instant of their work together.

Adopting a compositional philosophy in which nothing is static and the introduction of any new element could dictate changes to the whole, Lori crafted elastic instrumental narratives that served as a point of departure. Eva replied with strings of melodies and harmonies―and together they
collaged their material, recording well into the night, always writing and deconstructing as they went. In the early mornings they collected what they had done, reintroduced certain artifacts or deconstructed further, and the process would begin again with an infectious urgency. They ended up with a series of wordless compositions―some dense with vocal harmonies and field recordings, some stripped bare of any accompaniments―that together formed an intimate, immersive sonic landscape. They became Storms.

Once they had a clear sense of their concept, for the lyrical content they brought in Ann Stephenson, a New York poet whose evocative expeditions of language fit perfectly into their visceral musical ground. Communicating via email and sending tracks back and forth, Ann provided a series of lyrical sketches that Lori and Eva used as raw material to collage, rearrange, or sometimes use in their entirety. Each of the 3 components―vocal, instrumental, and lyrical―constantly folded into and informed the others, always remaining fluid and malleable. The resulting record achieves a tactile minimalism, manifested through texture of breath and voice, elemental acoustic resonance, and a celebration of the immediacy of place.


01. Wolves And Bells
02. Sweet Cup
03. Lady Frances
04. Foxes
05. The Forest Year
06. Letter On The 44th Day
07. The Shipbuilder
08. Ceremony
09. Para Lole

Storms :: Sweet Cup from S T O R M S on Vimeo.

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